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IT Support

Information and communication technologies have definitely changed the way we communicate, interact and do business. Phenomena such as the platform economy, blockchain, cryptocurrencies, robotics, artificial intelligence, big data, the profusion of telework, cloudcomputing and the Internet of things will directly affect the world of work as well as the management and governance of companies and organizations. Cooperatives and social economy companies will not be the exception. For these technological changes to converge with efforts to build a more sustainable and less unequal world, it is essential to provide them with essential components of democracy, decentralization, privacy protection and equitable access.

Our team has extensive work experience in the conception, development and implementation of IT solutions for cooperative organizations such as the development of platforms, websites, e-learning spaces, and the implementation and analysis of online surveys. These tools serve such purposes as the creation and animation of spaces for the exchange of ideas, construction of communities, and the development of awareness campaigns or information on specific projects or initiatives.

If your cooperative or social economy organization has an idea or project that could be enhanced by the use of IT, contact us to discuss possible forms of cooperation and joint work.