Jorge Cabrera has worked with the cooperative movement since the mid-1980s, occupying different positions in the Uruguayan Cooperative Center (CCU), the Uruguayan Confederation of Cooperatives (Cudecoop) and in cooperative integration organizations at regional and global level, such as the Specialized Meeting of Mercosur Cooperatives (RECM), CICOPA and ICA-Americas.
He has extensive experience in the elaboration and execution of international cooperation projects focused on the advocacy, promotion and development of cooperatives. In the last 20 years he has specialized in the area of ICT applied to development, providing advisory services, consulting, and development of websites and applications for various cooperative organizations and the social economy in more than a dozen countries. He is also a freelance translator specialized in cooperative and development issues, having translated several publications for the ILO and the ICA.
Jorge has an academic background in economy and public accounting.